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Sunday, June 28, 2009

How to loose stomach fat fast.

The comes a time that is known by different names like reserve tire, gut, pot belly, or any other way people call - it will simply mean the unpleasant grown area in the stomach, the surplus fold of fat that is always tried to be lost when people turn to look as if they would have thrust a bunch of donuts under their t-shirt. Luckily, a lot of people have successfully struggled with the stomach fat and achieved six pack abdominals. And here you've got some tips you can start with in losing stomach fat effectively. Begin with losing your weight. A lot of people get frustrated when they aren't seeing any progress, though they have already started to enjoy the crunches. At first you have to lose those few pounds that are excess of overall body fat. Otherwise, you won't see any result of your crunches with the layer of fat overlaying your stomach. Your abdominal muscles would not show until the pad of stomach fat is precluded or reduced, for the muscles are underneath that fat. You will gain more effect if you pair weights with cardio (cycling, jogging, etc.). It will help you speed up your body's metabolism and to burn more energy. With weights you will start building more muscle. It also is more effectual in burning fat. You can start taking Phentermine HCL, but remember to consult with your doctor first. An active component of fat burning is muscles. The fat stored in your stomach might be consumed for energy provision, even when you are asleep. It's all because muscles demand energy to work. Lastly, pay attention to what you eat. Exercise isn't the only solution, if you want to lose stomach fat the healthy way. Take often but smaller meals everyday to keep your metabolism going and to provide the body with all the energy needed. Starvation diets will not help you. The body frequently turns to muscle stock when starving. Moreover, the body actually breaks down the muscles and degrades before using own fats, when in starvation. You don't want this if your aim is to obtain those abs you've attained in decreasing them. Click here for quicker result

Friday, June 26, 2009

Best weight loss advice you have never been thought.

Here are nine diet tips you may not have heard yet. Some involve different ways to eat, or adding certain foods to your diet. Others involve learning new behaviors or strategies to help you stay on track.

Weight Loss Tip No. 1:
Variety Is Overrated

Who hasn't heard the advice to "just take a bite of everything" if you're at a buffet?
But as it turns out, variety doesn't deserve its good reputation.
"We know that variety makes you eat more.
For example, researchers in France found that study participants ate more french fries when they were offered catsup and mayonnaise along with them. And when they were given the option of having cream or whipped cream with their brownies, they ate more than when the brownies were offered plain.
People who have been able to maintain weight loss tend to eat diets with limited variety.

Weight Loss Tip No. 2:
Have Barley for Breakfast

"Barley is the new oatmeal.
Barley got its hunger-fighting reputation after Swedish researchers found that eating barley or rye kernels for breakfast kept blood sugar on an even keel. That's because the carbs in barley and rye kernels are "low glycemic index," meaning they raise blood sugar more slowly than some other carbohydrate foods. This helps you avoid a spike, and then a drop, in blood sugar, which can leave you feeling famished.
One caveat: "Buy hulled barely, not pearl barley," Jackson Blatner says. The Swedish researchers used minimally processed hull barley, and they can't vouch for the same effects for more processed forms, such as pearl barley.

Weight Loss Tip No. 3:
Beef Up Your Lunch Salad

One of the most common mistakes dieters make is to eat a vegetable salad with little or no dressing for lunch. "Then they are starving by mid-afternoon.
A salad is a great choice. IF you add some protein and a little fat to help keep you feeling full longer.
Top your greens with a 3 oz piece of chicken breast, and you've added about 26 grams of protein but just 140 calories. Add about two tablespoons of light salad dressing, and your salad may be filling enough to get you through the 3 p.m. hunger slump without hitting the vending machine.

Weight Loss Tip No. 4:
Stock Up on Frozen Vegetables

Sure, fresh vegetables are delicious and nutritious. But faced with the need to scrape a carrot, wash and slice a zucchini, or cut broccoli into florets, many of us say, "Too much trouble!" and reach for chips instead.
To make things easier, stock your freezer with frozen vegetables.
"They are already clean, chopped and ready to cook in the microwave. "It's like having Rachael Ray in the freezer."
An even better way to be sure you eat more vegetables: Cook the frozen veggies ahead of time. Microwave the whole bag of green beans, for instance. Then keep them in the refrigerator, ready to dump into canned soups, add to a salad, or just eat by the handful.

Weight Loss Tip No. 5:
Make Yourself a Party Tray

The type of party tray is a big vegetable platter, maybe with some low-fat dip on the site -- the kind you put on the buffet for weight-conscious guests.
But this one is just for you and any interested family members. Keep it in the fridge at eye level, encouraging you to snack healthy and avoid the higher-calorie contents of your refrigerator.
Several studies have found that we tend to eat more when food is within easy reach. Secretaries who placed candy on their desks ate about 48% more than when the candy was 6 feet away.

Weight Loss Tip No. 6:
Turn Down the Thermostat

Spending time in a chilly house -- about 61 degrees Fahrenheit -- may boost the fat-burning power of the "brown fat" in your body.
Brown fat is considered "good" fat, as opposed to regular or white fat, which stores calories and tends to accumulate. Researchers believe that lean people have more of the brown type of fat, and that the amount of brown fat a person has declines with age.
Scandinavian researchers found that exposure to these chilly temperatures boosted the metabolic rate of brown fat 15-fold, helping burn more calories.
But Jackson Blatner cautions not to expect too much: "It's not going to be any kind of a miracle," she says. And beware if you're the type who eats more when you feel cold.

Weight Loss Tip No. 7:
Downsize Your Dinnerware

Experts say they've seen it again and again: The larger your plate, the more you're likely to put on it. So serving your meals on smaller plates can help you eat less.
But don't throw out those dinner plates. Use the smaller, lunch-size plates to serve dinner, and use the dinner plates for salads.

Weight Loss Tip No. 8:
Go Out for Treats

If you're the type who overdoes it on sweets and snacks make yourself work a little for your favorite indulgences. Don't keep them in the house, but give yourself permission to go out and get them when you really need to.
Want a brownie? You have to go to the bakery. Craving a frozen yogurt? You must find the nearest frozen yogurt shop.
"The more hassle tasty treats are, the less likely you are to eat them.

Weight Loss Tip No. 9:
Try on Your Skinny Jeans Every Friday

Find a pair of pants that is tight, but not impossible to zip. "Every Friday morning.
Why Friday? Weekends are typically a tougher time to stay on diets. And the Friday morning try-on will motivate you to watch your eating during the weekend.
"If they are loose, you will say to yourself 'I am making progress, I am staying on track during the weekend.And if they're snug? That will provide motivation to stick to your diet so they'll fit better next week.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The way to exercise and lose weight.

This is a problem as the percentage of people overweight and out of shape continues to grow. There is hope though. Newer methods of exercising have begun to spring up from fitness experts and trainers to keep up with the times. There are more and more techniques that allow you to target your exercises to specific goals like toning, six pack abs, weight loss, etc that are now available.

Here's a summary of one such method:

Similar to what many people suggest with switching from 3 meals a day to 5-6 smaller ones, this method is for you to not work out 30-90 minutes several times a week, but instead to exercise for a few minutes a few times each day. This is a very different than what most people would tell you would work. The great thing about these exercises is you can do them at the office too. You will need to find an area though to do them if you don't have a lot of space in your workspace

Try to do your exercises for 2-3 minutes every hour or two. It will work better if you do it every hour for about 8-10 hours. These exercises do not require that you have access to weights or gym equipment. All of these types of exercise rely on just your body and body weight.

Here are a couple of exercises:

Pushups Sit-ups (crunches work best) Lunges Bicycles (lying on your back with your legs raised and pretending to ride a bike) Walking/Jogging up and down a staircase if you can

These are just examples of easy exercises you can do. There are many more and you might even invent some yourself. The goal here is to work different parts of your body throughout the day for a few minutes at a time to get your metabolism going and stimulate your body to burn fat and build muscle.

To really see if you are getting results you should stick with this method for several weeks and focus solely on this and not any other exercise programs. If you continue to go to the gym a few times a week you may not be able to gauge how successful this is. After a few weeks feel free to go to a more traditional routine. What works very well is every month or so if you switch back to this method. This also helps to keep things fresh and prevent your workouts from getting stale.

Menopause and Weight control

Does reaching menopause mean you're destined to gain excess weight? Is losing weight after menopause harder than it would be before menopause? The purpose of this article is to explore these questions and discuss the key times in a woman's life when weight gain seems inevitable.
Menopause is defined as the end of menstruation. The postmenopausal period is associated with symptoms such as hot flashes, changes in libido and weight gain. In America, the typical woman reaches menopause at just over 51 years of age. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2005, the average American woman reaching age 50 could expect to live another 30 years. The weight a woman gains while she's in menopause is weight she may well struggle with for the rest of her life. Does being menopausal doom you to weight gain? Is losing weight after menopause harder than it would be before menopause? The purpose of this article is to explore these questions and discuss the key times in a woman's life when weight gain seems inevitable.
The typical American woman will experience numerous changes in body shape during her life, specifically just after high school, childbearing and menopause. The culprit for young women is often a significant decrease in activity after high school leading to the infamous "Freshman 15". , Pregnancy is an obvious time for weight gain, but most women reach their pre-pregnancy weight within six months of giving birth - at least after their first child.1 The women in both scenarios can change their weight or body fat by eating less and moving more. See Weight Control 101 for a complete discussion.
The common belief with menopause is that the decrease in female hormones somehow leads to a slower metabolism or increased body fat. Several studies have evaluated whether there is a specific change around menopause that leads to weight gain, or at least makes it easier. These studies have shown that the biggest change affecting body weight around menopause is a reduction in activity. This is a common theme at various stages of a woman's life. That is, a relatively steady or slight increase in calorie intake with decreasing activity over time. One strong predictor for obesity in a person's life is age. Since the average woman gains about a pound yearly, it is much more likely that a middle-aged woman will be obese compared to a 20 year-old. Also, a woman with extra weight at adolescence is more likely to gain extra weight at other times such as her freshman year of college.
Some of the stronger studies on menopause looked at women of the same age who either still had periods or were in menopause. When pre and postmenopausal women are matched for age, menopausal women have 1. No difference in weight gain. Both pre and postmenopausal women gain weight. The difference is where the fat is stored.7 2. No difference in loss of lean mass compared to premenopausal women. Both lost muscle tissue with time. 3. An increase in central adiposity - more fat stored around the waist as opposed to the thighs or arms. 4. No change in body composition. It seems the biggest effect of decreased estrogen is where fat is stored, not that more fat is stored. 5. A possible small decrease in resting metabolic rate (RMR) from decreased estrogen, but not enough of a difference that menopausal women gain more weight.7
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
Some women take medication to replace the hormones lost from menopause. Women often ask if weight gain is something they can expect as a side effect of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). A three-year study found that there was no increase in body weight among HRT users compared to placebo regardless if they used estrogen or estrogen and progesterone combined.9 Women should discuss HRT with a physician who will assess any risk of hormone-dependent cancers.
In summary, menopause only means women will no longer have periods. It does not mean the body slows down to the point a woman is destined to gain weight. Postmenopausal women can lose weight just like premenopausal women. When postmenopausal women lose weight, they can lose both subcutaneous (under the skin) and visceral (around the organs) fat as easily as premenopausal women. This means postmenopausal women can reverse any weight gain. In addition, weight loss among postmenopausal women is accompanied by the same improvements in cholesterol and reduced insulin resistance. This results in a lower risk of heart disease and diabetes. Women can both prevent gaining weight and achieve better overall health during menopause by engaging in regular physical activity.